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According to the trading data on the spot, the transaction of coins is still hot, showing its deep collection. Dual-flag coins were forged during the Republic of China, and they were widely circulated in tens of articles. At that time, only 22,000 pieces were issued. The Republic of China only existed for decades in Chinese history, so the coins that could be retained were very rare. Although there were many versions of coins in the period of the Republic of China, such authentic commemorative coins with \"20-character\" Italic letters and \"Republic of China\" double flags engraved on the front are not common in today's collections market. Because of the scarcity of stock, high-end collectors favor it and become a new hot spot in the coin trading market.
作为近代中国钱币中的精品,具备历史熏陶的中华民国铜币,不但是价值很高的革命文物,而且具有深远的历史纪念意义。同时,珍贵的中华民国铜币记录了辛亥革命惊天动地的伟大历史,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。由于历经百年风雨,民国铜币存世量极为稀少,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此才有了现今的天价铜币。湖南省造双旗币产生于民国时期,民国在中国历史上仅仅存在了几十年的时间,因此,在兵荒马乱、国内战争频发的期间内,钱币在经历了无穷的岁月之后,依然可以完整地保留下来,实属不易,具有很高的文物收藏价值、历史文化价值以及艺术品鉴价值。 户部光绪元宝铜币的设计非常独特,构思巧妙,值得一提的是,户部造光绪元宝当制钱二十文当时铸造数量不多,辗转无穷岁月流存至今,其存世量十分有限,物依稀为贵,由此可见光绪元宝户部造当制钱二十文经济价值不凡,收藏价值相当不错。
As a fine product of modern Chinese coins, the Copper coins of the Republic of China with historical edification are not only highly valuable revolutionary relics, but also of far-reaching historical significance. At the same time, the precious copper coins of the Republic of China record the tremendous history of the 1911 Revolution. They are also rare objects in Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. After a century of ups and downs, copper coins in the Republic of China are extremely scarce, especially those with good quality. Therefore, today's high-priced copper coins come into being. The double-flag coins produced in Hunan Province came into being in the Republic of China, which only existed for several decades in the history of China. Therefore, during the period of unrest and frequent civil wars, the coins can still be preserved intact after going through endless years. It is not easy, and they have high value of cultural relics collection, historical and cultural value and artistic appreciation. The design of Guangxu Yuanbao bronze coin is very unique and ingenious. It is worth mentioning that the number of twenty pieces of money made by Guangxu Yuanbao was very small at that time. It has survived for many years. Its stock is very limited and its material is scarce and precious. Thus, it can be seen that the economic value of twenty pieces of money made by Guangxu Yuanbao household is extraordinary and its collection value is quite good.
湖南省造双旗币当制钱二十文保存完好,钱币正面中央左为星旗、右为五色旗,两面国旗上系结带相互交叉,外缘上铸“湖南省造”四字,下铸纪值“当制钱二十文”,左右分列花枝;钱币背面中央为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹禾穗,纹饰别致,边缘环英文。此枚钱币做工精美,钱文明晰,包浆极为浓厚。钱币正面中央图案为“十九星铁血旗”和“五色国旗”交叉而立、旗后有缨带,双旗寓意全国一统与民族大团结;钱币正面圈外上部署湖南省造基地;左右饰以团菊花纹;下方则镌“当制钱二十文”标明币值。钱币背面正中图案则为稻穗组成嘉禾纹,寓意丰民足岁;背面上部镌“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”;下方则镌“TWENTY CASH”。此币包浆熟旧醇厚,有明显的流通磨损痕迹,由于双旗币产生在混乱不安、烟火纷飞的民国时期,经过战火的摧残,能完整地保留下来的已为数不多,很是稀少,弥足珍贵,具有很高的收藏价值。
文章来源:《艺术品鉴》 网址: http://www.yspjzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1016/506.html